Welcome to hypnosis57

Welcome to hypnosis57,
I highly appreciate that you have taken a little time of your own to view my blog. Do note that the articles & informations; are for the benefits of all, some of them I repost from other sites as they contains very useful informations. Do note all repost article is meant for knowledge sharing only, I do not own them. If you have any questions or doubts that you wanna clarify, please don't hesitate to drop me an email or simply comment on the particular post, I would be more than happy to help.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hypnosis Insight 5

'Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness'.

This is quite an easy way to understand what normal people like to do when they are having uneasy feelings. Rather than doing something about it, they either stop or keep on trying the old same things, this kind of problem solving wont get you anywhere but putting on more frustrations, ending up by quiting and be more depressed or angered.

That is why, people often turn to alternative therapies to heal their inner scars.
This is what hypnosis does, we not only bypassing the critical factor* but also deal with the root of the cause of the scars or what makes and prolonging the scars.

It is all about you, if you want to be healed, de-stressed, feels happy and wonderful, you know help, is always there.

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