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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Anyone Can Achieve Goals!

Many people set goals and attempt to achieve them within certain set time frame. But very few can achieve their goal. How many times have we heard of people setting a "New Year Resolution" but every year they are just updating this resolution with a new "target end date"? Why is it that most people cannot achieve their goals and only a few people can? What makes these few individuals so special that they can achieve goals, that are beyond even the imagination of many people?

What makes ordinary people achieve the extraordinary? Apart from having a clear goal in mind, one key element is "a Compelling Reason". Most people fail to achieve their goals because they lack a compelling reason for having it.

A compelling reason provides the crucial motivational force for one to focus and continuously push themselves to their limit, taking themselves out of their comfort zone so that they eventually achieve their objectivel. A compelling reason is also the power that assists the individual to overcome every challenge that comes along the path that leads towards success.

A goal without the backing of a compelling reason is merely 'paper talk' and will continue to only exist as a written New Year's Resolution or wishful thought.

Therefore for any individual to be able to achieve their goals, they not only must have a clear goal in mind, they must confront themselves and identify the reason why they want to achieve the goal. The failure of achieving the goal must provide a consequence that puts the person in an extremely uncomfortable state.

Does this mean that all those who do not achieve their goal did not have a compelling reason to their goal?


This is usually not the case. What is lacking is the awareness of the compelling reason. The reason is lies in their subconscious mind. Therefore to bring out the awareness of such a compelling reason you require to use conscious effort.

One technique is to magnify the effect. Magnify the effect of the consequence of achieving the goal. By visualizing the kind of joy when achieving the goal, for example the ability to travel around the world. Magnify the effect of the consequence of not achieving the goal. Visualize the kind of pain that you are going to suffer if you do not achieve the goal (only until you have sufficient drive to avoid this circumstance - do not dwell on the negative!).

For a person who wants to be able to retire young at age of 45, he can imagine himself at the age of 55 still have to continue working for others, doing work that are not part of his passion, working long hour and only getting a fraction of his pay when he was 10 years ago.

Like Anthony Robbins mentioned, everything we do is motivated by the desire to avoid pain and gain pleasure. By magnifying the pain when not achieving the goal and magnifying the joy of achieving it, it will help to bring to the conscious awareness the compelling reason for pursuing the goal.

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