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Monday, February 14, 2011

Hypnosis Secrets to Benefit Your Mindset

Hypnosis or hypnotic states have been known about for many centuries and probably for much further back into time as well.

Holy men, witch doctors, priests and shamans either isolated themselves in the desert, induced trances in themselves or chanted and danced rhythmically to achieve what would now be recognized as a hypnotic state.

While in this state, they would focus, visualize and return to their people with messages from their gods or prophecies for the future.

Common to all these early self-hypnotists was use of methods to focus their attention intensely to move the person out of his normal way of operating into different ways. The resulting change meant the holy man or witch doctor experienced himself so differently that it was considered to be a mystical or divine experience.

In modern times, the first person to use hypnosis significantly as a healing medium was the Frenchman, Franz Mesmer in the 17th century. Other French, English and Scottish medical people including neurologists subsequently used it and experimented with it.

The chief finding was that under the influence of a hypnotic state, people apart from being detached consciously, were more suggestible to new ideas regarding behavior change. .

Sigmund Freud acknowledged hypnotism, but favored free association, a state of light trance where the client is narrowly focused on word associations which the therapist subsequently explored.

Modern hypnotism was pioneered by Milton Erickson in the 1950s and developed by John Bandler and John Grinder in the USA in the 1970s and 1980s and established tools and methods for establishing trances, and for inducing a range of hypnotic phenomena and to be able to successfully introduce post-hypnotic suggestions in patients.

Hypnosis, then, is actually a variation of a person's normal behavior that enables them to shift from their prior function to a state where they may have more behavioral flexibility that can be of benefit to them.

Hypnotism enables choices and options for the subject in regard to their attitudes and behavior and gives them the ability to change negative habits, should that be the case in point, to more positive ones

It can be used to manage anxiety, shift focus from negative associations to positive associations and to boost self esteem and to minimize fear of the unknown, to give some examples of issues and behaviors that can greatly limit some people's levels of achievement or even their engagement with society.

It can often be the case, when people have unresolved issues or past failures, that they are limited in their choices and actions and their ability for self-determination is therefore restricted.

Hypnosis or self-hypnosis can help change unfavorable habits and behaviors to action oriented states of mind to free up a person from his or her previously limiting beliefs.

This also includes a success state of mind; if one has experienced nothing but failure previously, there will tend to be an association with failure by that person.

To enable change from that state to one of success orientation, it may be useful, even necessary, to engage the problem issue/s, to re-associate thoughts and feelings, at an unconscious level, toward success instead.

About the Author

Jeffrey Goyen is a physiologist with over 30 years consulting experience with clients in areas requiring behavior change. These included health management, employment, weight loss and issues with motivation requiring guidance with learning new habits, improving quality of life. His motivational efforts have tapped into 'the inner drivers' of change for many clients. Click => http://www.hepnotic.com

source http://www.hypnosis-knowledge.com

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