Welcome to hypnosis57

Welcome to hypnosis57,
I highly appreciate that you have taken a little time of your own to view my blog. Do note that the articles & informations; are for the benefits of all, some of them I repost from other sites as they contains very useful informations. Do note all repost article is meant for knowledge sharing only, I do not own them. If you have any questions or doubts that you wanna clarify, please don't hesitate to drop me an email or simply comment on the particular post, I would be more than happy to help.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hypnohealthy- hypnotic medication!

Many people develop health problems throughout their lieves and take pills, potions and all manner of aids to help relieve them from pain and physical suffering. However, there are other people who swear by the effectiveness of self hypnosis as an aid to better health. So, is it really possible that simple trance states can help you become healthier? Let’s take a look!

Hypnosis has been practiced for millennia in one form or another and is a very potent and powerful tool for accessing altered states of consciousness. Originally, it was thought of a strange form of sleep (hence the name hypnosis which originates from the Greek God “Hypnos” who was the god of sleep).

As science started to understand the state of trance better it was realised that hypnosis has nothing at all to do with the sleep state. However, the name "hypnosis" had stuck and now that is the term we use to describe the deliberate creation of altered states of consciousness.

People's experiences using hypnosis can vary to a large degree. Not everyone experiences trance in the same way. However, that does not mean that the effects and benefits of trance are any different from one person to the next – they remain the same!

Trance states, typically brought on by self hypnosis, guide the brain in the Alpha state of consciousness where Alpha brainwaves are produced. While in this state a person is highly suggestible and will believe almost anything they are told. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why television advertising is so powerful and successful because your television set hypnotizes you every time you put it on!

For most people the experience of trance leads to a reduced awareness of outside stimuli and a heightened focus of what they are engaged in mentally. During a hypnotic trance this would usually be the hypnotists voice. While watching television this would be whatever program is being shown!

Although a hypnotized person is not unconscious, nor unaware of their surroundings, they do experience feelings of greater relaxation and increased mental focus – they are merely uninterested in what is going on around them!

So, let's investigate why self hypnosis can be used to become healthier.

1. Well, for a start hypnosis relieves tension and stress from the body. It also relieves stress from the mind. Therefore, these two aspects of the trance state make it immediately effective at reducing stress or tension related disorders in the mind and body.

2. Self hypnosis has been proven to be a highly effective form of pain relief. So much so that modern medical establishments offer it to their patients in doctor’s surgery’s and hospitals in both the USA and as part of the “free” National Health in the UK.

3. Self hypnosis brings all the same benefits as traditional (and non-traditional – such as Holosync) forms of meditation. This can lead to a lowering of blood pressure, a reduction in the aging process, faster healing times, reduction in the symptoms of skin conditions such as eczema and even the removal of warts!

4. Elimination of bad habits and the forming of new, positive habits. The trance state can be used to program your mind and remove unwanted behaviours such as smoking, drinking too much alcohol, over-eating etc. It can also be used to instil new habits such as eating healthily, breathing deeply and staying calm under stressful circumstances!

5. Self hypnosis can be used to increase your motivation to exercise. You can use post-hypnotic suggestions to train your subconscious mind and find yourself wanting to exercise more!

So, as you can see, self hypnosis can be a very effective, and fast, way to become healthier!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

First Mass Sharing Session, topic: 'Wonder's of the Minds'.

Goodness! Its been a overwhelming experiences to have conduct a mass sharing session with the National Service Training Institute, SCDF. Thank you to the organizer and all who made it a success!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Four Laws Of The Mind Essential For Effective Self Hypnosis

There are four laws of the mind that you must be fully aware of and work with if you wish to have any success with self hypnosis – or anything else for that matter! If these laws are followed then success is assured and your self hypnosis sessions will help you to quickly build the life that you want!

The Laws:

1. Every Thought Seeks to Manifest itself in the World!

Every thought has power. Every thought is a creative energy that seeks to become manifest in the world! I am sure you have heard that thoughts create reality, however, are you aware that every thought is creative by its very nature?

The only reason every thought does not become a real event in your life is because you have millions of thoughts. Many of these thoughts cancel each other out. However, many of them do not! Judge carefully how you think and what way you use your mind. Your predominant thoughts will create a reality for you that is in alignment with them!

2. Your Expectations bring about Manifestations!

What you expect to get you always do get! Now, you may tell yourself that you expect a certain results and openly talk about the fact that it is going to occur but deep down you feel that a different result will occur. Be truthful with yourself; you know this is the case!

Your expectations make your thoughts extremely powerful – if not unstoppable! So start to convince yourself that you are going to get what you want. Expect success and success will surely follow!

3. Imagination is Stronger than Will-Power!

Many people try to achieve their goals through the power of their "will". Although you may achieve a certain degree of success through pure persistence and drive this approach will never get you what you really want and will lead to stress!

4. What You Resist will Persist!

Carl Yung stated that "what you resist persists" and this is one of the most powerful psychological statements ever made. Think back to law number 1 above. If it is true that every thought is creative then what are you thinking when you resist what you don’t like? You are thinking about what you don’t like and the fact that it exists. Therefore you are helping to keep that situation the way it is and perhaps even creating more of it!

If you follow the laws as outlined in this article and work with them then you will achieve a lot more from your self hypnosis sessions. In fact, if you follow them in your everyday life then you will notice amazing and profound changes happening in every area of it!

!PM me NOW for more information!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

3 Major Motives of Our Lives

Many people question the meaning of life. Some suggest it is to procreate. Others think it is a random set of events that just happened to spawn life in some cosmic accident. But truly, isn’t the meaning of all life to develop and enrich ourselves?

Every Human Being, in fact, every living thing, has an inalienable right to all the development of which it is capable. As homo-sapiens (humans) we have a right to life and this also implies the right to have free and unlimited access to all good things.o we not have a right to anything that may be critical to help us realize our fullest psychological, spiritual, and physical potential?

Simply put this means every human being has the right to be rich, healthy and happy. In fact we have the God-given right to everything life has to offer.

This is a desire we are all born with. Every one of us wants to better himself or herself. This is seen in the three major motives in life – the desire to satisfy mind, body and spirit! If we lack in one area it affects the other two. Take a look at your own life and the lives of others and you will see a mountain of evidence for this! For example, does money mean anything to a gravely sick or dying millionaire? Would he not trade it all for his health?

On this little blue and green planet we reside in, keeping equilibrium between the three phases of our being (mind, body and soul) is often difficult! It seems that almost everything we need or want has to be purchased for a price.

Life has become so complex that even the most ordinary of human beings needs a certain amount of money to satisfy their basic needs and a great deal of money if they wish to develop themselves further.

Taking care of our physical selves is usually the top priority for human beings (or should be). For without a healthy body we are unable to fully express eh other two aspects of our nature.

This means we require adequate food, clothing and shelter. When these things are catered for then we can advance that aspect of our nature through rest and recreation which then leads to physical contentment.

Taking care of our mental nature means the removing of stress and strain from the mind. Only then can you develop it further through reading, travel, intellectual activities, observation and research and by gaining an appreciation for fine works of art, music and beauty. The human mind needs liberty to think creatively and manifest his dreams into fact.

Caring for our spirit means less heartache, worry and sadness. Only when our spirit is on an "even keel" can we pursue higher more spiritual pursuits and goals.

If we are beset with constant worry, frustration and strife then how can we fully embrace our true loving natures? How can we widen our view of the world as One and stretch our horizons to see every man and woman as our brother and sister?

We have a right – no a responsibility – to ourselves and the human race to embrace the concept that God/Universal-Source/Higher-Power (or whatever name you choose to give the Creator) wants us to be abundant so that we can truly embrace our own destiny and one day venture out into space as a unified race.

Not unified through globalization or fear of the unknown but instead unified by love and the feeling of Oneness that we were once born with!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Conversation Hypnosis!

Now, how on earth can conversation hypnosis be explained without making it seem like rocket science? Okay, in order to fully understand this form of hypnosis, you will have to understand how it works through every day occurrences. For instance, if an individual walks into a boutique in order to buy a simple outfit.

While trying out different simple outfits, the boutique attendant in a subtle manner mentions how you would look in a sexy designer number “made for your God given curves”, and he or she goes on to mention how great your figure would make the designer of the dress look good. The suggestion sounds pretty aspiring and also exciting, and before you can say “Bob’s your uncle” you have yanked the outfit from the rack and zoomed off to the changing room – this is the power of conversation hypnosis in full force.

In this form of hypnosis, the person under hypnosis is really absorbed in the conversation that he or she gets totally lost in the moment. The subject mentally agrees with the boutique attendant’s stance even if the subject is not really adventurous by nature – the subject simply reacts to the suggestion without even questioning the origin and its validity (this undoubtedly is called conversation hypnosis).

This form of hypnosis uses the technique of subtly communicating with an individual’s subconscious mind without even making the least bit obvious. Conversation hypnosis usually takes place during normal and relaxed conversations with people, which is why it known as conversation hypnosis.
The main reason why most people practice this form of hypnosis is to the easily control the behavior of people without them having the slightest clue that they are being manipulated. This type of hypnosis involves using carefully directed phrases, body language and gestures with the main intention to establish rapport and to communicate with the subject’s subconscious mind.

There are a lot of websites that can help you to learn more about this form of hypnosis in the comfort of your home. You do not have to have any type of degree in order to practice this type of hypnosis, you also do not need a special license either – but in order to master the art of conversation hypnosis, you will have to dedicate a lot of your time and effort in order to achieve results. Some people are so good at using the principles of conversational hypnosis, they can easily hypnotize people even against their will, some people can even hypnotise a group of people at the same time.

Hypnosis has been used since time immemorial to help people deal with different issue such as obesity, self esteem issues, anxiety, fear and so on. Conversation hypnosis can help people in the following ways:
* Strengthen relationships, life can become much easier when people see things your way (wink)
* You can boost sales with this form of hypnosis by convincing people to buy your goods and or services, which in turn will increase your earnings as well – not bad huh?