Welcome to hypnosis57

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

How Hypnosis Upgrades Your Files

Hypnosis is able to change your perception of your memories, and thus of yourself. We do not change the events themselves, we upgrade how you feel about them, and thus your daily life is upgraded.

By accessing the original files stored in the subconscious, you are able to see all of the reasons why your mind behaves as it does in the name of protecting you; and together we upgrade those behaviours since typically the need of that protection is gone. You are no longer in the middle of the event that had such an impact on you.

Your conscious mind does not have complete access to your memory files; that is not its job. This is why merely talking about change is such an ineffective means of getting any. Talking happens in the conscious mind. Change happens in the subconscious.

And here's the rub: the subconscious outvotes the conscious mind. It is far, far larger, stronger, and more powerful. This is why willpower fails so miserably for the dieter. Unless the subconscious agrees to a healthy diet and a normalized body weight, your finest of intentions are shortlived, having been overridden by the subconscious mind.

Emotions are a function of, and are stored in, the subconscious. When you have had an emotional reaction to danger, for example, real or imagined, those emotions are felt and stored in your subconscious. Hypnosis accesses those stored emotions, upgrades your perception of them, and results in changed behavior.

You must give yourself permission to make changes. You must want to change. You must want to enter into hypnosis. And this means not being afraid of hypnosis. So, let's look at several definitions of hypnosis.

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