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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Is Hypnosis Real Or Just an Illusion?

“Is hypnosis real?” That is a question that gets asked quite a bit. To many it is a field that seems far fetched and not feasible. Few people are aware of the extensive scientific research and evidence backing hypnosis. Hypnosis has many incredible and viable uses such as; breaking bad habits, eliminating pain, achieving goals, increasing self confidence, and the list goes on and on.

In answer to the question “is hypnosis real?”, yes it is very real and is used to make astounding changes in thousands of lives.

Simply put, hypnosis is a focused state of mind with a heightened ability to accept suggestions. It’s a way to communicate with the subconscious mind. The subconscious part of the brain is accepting and open unlike the conscious part of the brain which analyzes everything that passes through it. When using hypnosis you are able to bypass the conscious and critical part of the brain and speak directly to the part of the brain that is easily influenced.

Most habits, beliefs, and attitudes are stored in the subconscious mind. People try to change or influence these unconscious thoughts consciously. The two parts of the brain are not in agreement and therefore, permanent change cannot occur. Your subconscious mind is an incredibly powerful machine that operates many functions on auto pilot. Think about all of the things you are able to accomplish without thinking about each step of the process. An example would be something as simple as walking. You don’t consciously think about lifting each foot or the process of heel-toe. Walking is programmed into the subconscious mind so you don’t need to think about each step of the process.

When you use hypnosis to reprogram thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes in the subconscious mind, it creates profound changes. If suggestions are placed effectively the mind can be reprogrammed with healthier and more productive ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes which will create positive actions.

Hypnosis is a field that continues to be researched and perfected. Harvard, Stanford, and Mount Sinai are just a sampling of the prestigious institutions with programs doing research in hypnosis.

Hypnosis is an extensive field and can create incredible change. It is a field that has undergone much criticism, but is a real and valid tool that, when used correctly, benefits an unbelievable number of people.

Author Bio

Elizabeth Parker started her site about hypnosis and NLP as a free resource for others who wish to explore the incredible uses of these empowering tools. If you would like to learn more about hypnosis and NLP and how powerful they really are then visit http://www.hypnosisandthemind.com/does-hypnotism-work/ for more information, techniques, and resources.

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