Welcome to hypnosis57

Welcome to hypnosis57,
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

What you have done is to give away control to others.

What you need to do is regain that control, seal it up and only let the twins out when it's really necessary.

  • When was the last time you actually relaxed?
  • Can you remember what it was like?
  • Were you calm and collected?
  • Was your breathing normal?
  • Were your muscles loose?
  • Did you feel that way without any outside stimulants like drugs?

If so, the good news is that you can restore that same feeling at will. Yes, you can definitely take it back whenever or wherever you choose.

When your mind is bypassing the chemical twins and sending truly relaxing messages to your body, wonderful things begin to happen. Just as the chemical twins jump to attention when you stress, other chemicals go to work when you relax causing you to have a feeling of contentment.

While relaxing, actions taken by people and external events are still important but not necessarily personal. You are able to discern that no one is launching a direct attack upon you or anyone or anything of yours.

Small problems remain small problems and not the woolly mammoth charging down upon you. Large events will become smaller and not cause you to get out of your car during gridlock and shout obscenities to the drivers in front of you.

Those people who are horrible and annoying, shrink to a caricature serving up no more significance in your world than an ant on a picnic table. As you continue your journey toward relaxation, you can watch these people with amusement. When you reach the point of total relaxation you are able to see your world as it is, not for how you feel about it.

Everything you do is a matter of choice. You choose to be angry, happy or indifferent. You make a conscious choice to take action or not to take action.

On the opposite end of the spectrum are the chemical twins controlling what you know is stress and you are bumped, pushed and thrown into chaos. No choice and no idea why you don't have a choice.

Obviously, relaxing is a good thing because it gives you choice. It puts you back in the driver's seat instead of the chemical twins.

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