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Monday, May 23, 2011

Altering the Pain Experience: Hypnotherapy for Pain Management By Cynthia Lindner, MS

Hypnotherapy is a recommended treatment for chronic pain patients. Strong evidence has been gathered by a 1995 panel of physicians of the National Institutes of Health that show hypnotic interventions are beneficial in the management of cancer pain, temporal-mandibular disorders, tension headaches, and irritable bowel syndrome. Relaxation techniques are also shown to be very useful for reducing chronic pain.

A review of more recent literature also reveals that hypnosis is being successfully used for management of acute pain associated with invasive procedures, treatments such as burn dressing changes, labor and childbirth, and some surgical procedures.Chronic pain affects over 34 million Americans. Most are significantly disabled by it, and some are permanently disabled. Over $40 billion is spent annually in the U.S. on treatments and over 25% of all sick days are taken to deal with pain. Indeed, chronic pain is a global issue, and the World Health Organization supports efforts to relive pain for all of humanity. Pain patients may experience an increase in stress, metabolic rate, blood clotting, and water retention.

Pain patients can have delayed healing, hormonal imbalances, impaired immune systems and gastro-intestinal functioning, mobility difficulties, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, suffering, low self-esteem, and depression. (Bedard, 1997)As a participant in an integrated medicine approach, therapists can help patients to understand the physiological processes of the body while taking into consideration the patient's belief system, perspective and response to pain.The goal of hypnotherapy for pain management is to produce deep relaxation for the reduction or amelioration of fear, tension and anxiety that is concomitant with pain. (Longacre, 1997) Suggestions for comfort and suggestions that aid with cognitive restructuring can help the patient to modify their experience of the pain and thus diminish or end the suffering. Imagery can provide distraction and relief from pain. There is evidence for a change in brain activity which apparently mitigates pain sensations.

Recent research provides us with substantial evidence that hypnosis is an effective pain management tool. The advantages of incorporating hypnotic strategies into a management plan for unremitting acute or chronic pain are the following: Firstly, the patient can begin to regain a sense of control over their well-being. Secondly, patients may require less medication, and therefore avoid or limit undesirable side effects. Thirdly, patients successfully learn to do self-hypnosis can independently alleviate their pain. Thereby gaining a stronger sense of well-being by being able to “take charge” of their comfort and reduce medical office visits.

About the writer:
Cynthia Lindner, MS is a certified hypnotherapist (1985) and hypnoanaesthesia therapist (1993) with many years of experience working in the mental health professions. She has specific expertise in applying the complementary modalities of guided imagery, hypnosis, and biofeedback for the purpose of attaining wellness, self-improvement, and with Doctor's referral, relief of pain and symptoms. Cynthia has taught hypnotherapy workshops at international conferences, has authored several published articles, and is a Past President of the American Psychotherapy & Medical Hypnosis Association. She is a highly skilled professional in private practice on Long Island , NY with a talent for using mind-body techniques as an enhancement to the standard therapeutic process. Website: http://www.clinicalhypnotism.com/

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