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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hypnotism as Applied Sports Enhancement

Increasingly hypnotherapy is being used by many people to improve their performance in sports. Golf is probably the most popular sport which people use applied hypnosis techniques to help with, but it can also be used with many other individual and team sports, including football, rowing and cricket.Hypnosis and sport are a very effective combination for many reasons.Greg Louganis and Tiger Woods hail from different generations and from different sports.

However they are both widely considered to the best ever exponents of those sports and they both use mental imagery in order to achieve results.For example, Greg Louganis would visualise somebody else performing a dive and when he could see it carried out perfectly, he would imagine himself performing the same dive. Tiger Woods imagines himself producing the perfect swing and playing the perfect shot immediately before doing exactly that. He doesn't hit bunkers or obstacles because in his mental images they don't exist.Imagery and mental rehearsal in sportIt's no secret that sports men and women often incorporate imagery and mental rehearsal into their practice routines. What is less well known is how effective hypnosis can be in this process.

When hypnotised you will be able to imagine yourself rehearsing and refining the perfect swing, the perfect goal or running the perfect mile.Hypnotherapy can profoundly increase our inner beliefs and, in sport, belief is everything. You might like to try this hypnosis download for concentration.Which is more surprising? The fact that Roger Bannister ran a sub four minute mile (a feat which the experts said could never be done) or the fact that in the following eighteen months, forty-five other runners did the same.

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