Welcome to hypnosis57

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

is all hypnosis is “playing pretend"?

During stage hypnosis, participants are well aware that they are not actually a chicken or that they are not actually in the movies. They know they are acting (it just so happens hypnosis can make people into good actors).

But not all hypnosis can be considered “playing pretend.” It depends on the nature of the suggestions given. If a suggestion is to “cluck like a chicken” then the patient will act it out. If the suggestion is “think of a time in your past where you felt really confident” – that is not playing pretend – the patient really is thinking about it and associating themselves into that time where they were really confident.

I agree with hypnotists who believe that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. This means that a hypnotist cannot typically trick someone into doing something against their own will. There is always compliance on both sides of the interaction. The only difference is hypnotists can evoke unusual or non-ordinary behaviors if they discover the right mode of communication.

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