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Monday, May 30, 2011

Stress Relief For Students

Every student on college goes through tough examination period that is why it is very important to know how to cope with student stress and how to reduce it as much as possible. There are several ways to reduce the stress on college and if you as a student achieve to follow them you will improve your results as well as studying performance. Do not hesitate and wait for stress to be reduced by it self, take action and start managing it now.

The most common and successful stress relief techniques for students on college are:

Sleep: It is quite common to see students missing sleep amidst their busy schedule.
Working for longer hours without sleep makes you less productive apart from ruining health. Adequate amount of sleep itself is a stress buster.

Visualizations: You should have a mental picture of success in order to perform well. See yourself doing well in a particular task which may look difficult for you. This will help you to calm down and detach from what is stressing you.

Exercise: Regular exercise keeps your mind and body fit. Students can practice yoga, walking etc to keep cool and stay relaxed. Joining a gymnasium will also help.

Breathing Exercises: Breathing exercises are a quick way to calm oneself easily. This can be practiced any where for sudden relief from stress, especially for reducing anxiety before or even during tests. Whenever you feel overwhelmed by stress you can feel relieved through breathing exercises.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This is a great stress reliever which can be used during tests as well as before bed. This technique teaches tensing and relaxing all muscles until the body parts are completely relaxed. Through this technique you can release stress from your body within seconds, even while physically exhausted.

Music: Music acts as a soothing balm for frayed nerves. It is a powerful stress reliever which has the potential to calm you down and stimulate you according to the demands of the situation. Students can exploit its cognitive benefits also by playing suitable music while studying.

Proper Nutrition: Students tend to underestimate the importance healthy nutritious food. A healthy diet is a wonderful stress management technique and a study aid. It takes you no extra time and keeps you from experiencing diet related mood swings.

Self Hypnosis: It is an effective stress management technique as well as a power productivity tool. You can release tension and stress from your mind and body with its help and sow the seeds of success in your subconscious mind with the power of auto-suggestion.

Positive Thinking and Affirmations: Above all, remain positive in your thoughts, words and actions. Positive thinking and positive words will produce wonderful results in your lives.

For more information about student stress you can read a guide to student stress relief or visit the web sitemystressmanagement.net where you can find out more about stress in general.

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