Welcome to hypnosis57

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Power of Imagination

Do you want it? Can you feel it? Can you see it? Can you imagine it? You can have it. It is as simple as that. All we need is the desire to have it, believe that we can have it and expect it to happen and hypnosis will take us there. Our imagination is such a powerful tool. Think about it, everything starts with thought and imagination. All on earth and above started with a thought. Even God had a thought of how to create the earth and universe, and then it was created. We do the same thing. Through our thoughts and imagination we create our lives moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day. If we would only stop for a moment to see what we are creating. Is this what we want for our lives? We are the author of our own life’s destiny.

Simply by the thoughts that we think and the feelings and attitudes that we attach to them, we create our life experience. Think about it, it is not what actually happens to us but how we imagine it. That is how we create our reality. This in turn gets imbedded into our subconscious mind as truth. We literally hypnotize our self with our thoughts and imagination. To prove this point I will share with you something that I learned in a hypnosis class. There was a case study on a woman with two personalities, one of which was a diabetic and the other was not.

When the woman was “Sally” she was a diabetic. When she was “Jane” she was not a diabetic. This is proof to me how strong and powerful our subconscious mind is. This was one woman that had a medical problem based on her subconscious believing that one personality had diabetes and the other did not. This was a powerful representation of our subconscious mind controlling our bodies and perceived reality. These thoughts get plugged into our subconscious and become our day to day life. Our subconscious mind will believe what we tell it whether it is true or not, good or bad. These thoughts will become our reality. So guard your thoughts and be careful how you use your imagination because you are the author of you life, good or bad! “As a man thinks so shall he be!”

Author Resource:- I am an L.P.N as well as a Certified Hypnotist and Reiki Practitioner. I graduated from Infinity Institute International. I am a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, as well as the American Holistic Nurses Association.

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