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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hangover Relief With Hypnosis

As well as offering entertainment for individuals who enjoy to chuckle at the behavior of others, hypnosis also has a serious curative aspect to it known as hypnotherapy. Conventionally hypnotherapy is considered as support for giving up smoking, weight loss, and fears. Whilst this is true, hypnotherapy can do a lot more - indeed it can even relieve your hangover.

A hypnotic state of mind is not the deep mystical state that it is frequently shown as. It is in reality a very pleasant organic frame of mind that many of us drift into multiple times throughout the day. It is the frame of mind we attain when we are daydreaming, or when the hours fly by while reading a book. In a trance our conscious minds are quietened, allowing our unconscious mind to be accepting of suggestions of change. Our unconscious mind is the part that is in charge of our habits and instincts, and it also controls many of our mandatory tasks such as breathing and sweating.

Pain is not essentially a "solid" and tangible thing if you think about it. Instead it is a device that our mind and body uses in order to save us from damage. The perception of pain helps us move awfully promptly when we touch something that is harmful to us, and keeps us focused on defending injured areas until they are restored to health.

Six years ago, Derbyshire and his assistants produced research which showed that the detailed a burning sensation when they were told a probe was going to be hot. The probe that contacted them wasn't actually hot, but since the brain expected pain, it created the feeling.

Because the mind produces the sensation of pain, it can also easily eradicate it. A hypnotists can basically persuade, by the use of suggestion, that there is no longer any damage, and the mind will stop interpreting pain. It is actually a rather clear cut procedure, and is one of the least demanding treatments for a hypnotist. Gambling addicts for example are far more stubborn than hangovers!

A hypnotherapist is very careful when eliminating pain. As I previously commented, pain can be a very useful tool to maintain our safety and continued existence. If you removed the pain from a person's leg for example, they may continue putting weight on it, causing further damage. If you know that your throbbing headache is the result of the previous night's drinking, then it is okay to proceed with hypnotherapy. However please don't abuse this and increase your drinking levels just because you can now remove the pain the morning after.

As well as masking the pain, hypnotherapy can also get to the root cause of your hangovers, which is probably more useful in the long run. A hypnotherapist can speak to the unconscious part of the brain. As I mentioned earlier, this is the segment of the brain that is responsible for our behavior and desires. A good hypnotist can literally retune the unconscious and transform its habits. A hypnotherapist could for instance give you suggestions that eliminate your desire to drink alcohol, and/or switch to the type of beverages that are less probably to leave you hungover the next morning. A hypnotist could go so far as to give you the desire to drink water at the end of the night prior to going to sleep, in order to minimize the symptoms of a hangover when you wake up.

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