Welcome to hypnosis57

Welcome to hypnosis57,
I highly appreciate that you have taken a little time of your own to view my blog. Do note that the articles & informations; are for the benefits of all, some of them I repost from other sites as they contains very useful informations. Do note all repost article is meant for knowledge sharing only, I do not own them. If you have any questions or doubts that you wanna clarify, please don't hesitate to drop me an email or simply comment on the particular post, I would be more than happy to help.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Hypnosis Insight 4

Have you ever heard of, 'if you want to be happy be happy'.well that is a common way of telling yourself to feel or think good.

But then, whats going to happen after that? will you maintain that nice feeling in you? or maybe just another substitute feeling to cover your unpleasant feelings??

Well, if you really want a pleasant feeling to last forever, you'll need to understand and focus on your feelings that is deep down inside you.

Never avoid from doing that, dont take anything just as a subs, when you are sick, im sure you want to be better as quickly as possible right?? so as your inner side too.

You know when you cant handle things that is out of your control, genuinely approach or ask for an assistance, never be ashame for that. As you know you will be the one gets the benefits.

STOP thinking about others for a moment, THINK for yourself. FOCUS and UNDERSTAND what you really need to do, and things will come into place.


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