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Monday, January 31, 2011

Hypnosis and children.

Hypnosis can be highly effective for the treatment of various children’s issues. Unlike adults, children are generally more receptive to hypnosis because they are much more suggestible. They have vivid imaginations which makes it much easier to access the unconscious and bring about the desired change. As a result, hypnosis with children can bring about effective results very quickly. A hypnotherapist can use a variety of techniques with children including visualization, stories, puppets and role-playing.

Children are great candidates for hypnosis because they don’t have the years of conditioning and resistance which adults have. Because they are used to learning they are often more receptive to trying something new, such as hypnosis. Children are not as prone to question the process. These things make it very easy for a hypnotherapist to work with them. Adults, on the other hand, are often wary and even reluctant and may have both conscious as well as unconscious resistance to being hypnotized. This doesn’t mean they cannot be hypnotized, but it just may not happen quite as readily.

Hypnosis can be an effective treatment for a huge variety of problems, issues and disorders in children. Common ones include learning problems, academic performance, anxiety, bedwetting, self-esteem issues, homework struggles, thumb sucking, and fear of the dark. Also, coping with a traumatic event such as the death of parent or dealing with parents who are divorcing are challenges which can be helped with hypnosis. Children who struggle with frequent nightmares may benefit from hypnosis also. Hypnosis can also help children feel less anxious when facing a serious medical procedure such as surgery.

School is a significant area of difficulty for many children. Everything ranging from learning and homework to problems with peers can be addressed with hypnotherapy. Often only one or two sessions is required for effective results. Children can gain significant improvement in their self-confidence and ability to succeed with the help of hypnosis. Hypnosis can help them learn healthy and empowering coping techniques. It can help enhance and release their creativity also. With the help of a skilled hypnotherapist, a child can really blossom and become much more successful and happier.

Children are wonderfully receptive to hypnosis. It can be a very positive and empowering experience for them. Always be sure to choose a hypnotherapist who is both comfortable and skilled in working with children.

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