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Sunday, February 13, 2011

About 7th Path

The 7th Path™ is a new form of self-improvement. It combines the effectiveness of self-hypnosis, meditation and prayer.

Most importantly, The 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® is a spiritually directed form of self-hypnosis. The Practitioner dedicates time each morning and afternoon to the practice as well as a short period of time before going to sleep. People who have experienced doing a form of meditation will notice right away that this is a profound leap forward. It will give you everything that you wanted from meditation because of how it combines hypnosis, meditation and spirituality.

If you are not a "spiritual" person, that is alright. You can still benefit a great deal from the practice of The 7th Path™. A certified 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Instructor or Hypnotherapist can give you more information.

The 7th Path™ acts like a deprogramming device that removes old limiting beliefs and patterns. We call this process the "Emptying of the Cup." During this phase of 7th Path™, the system works like anti-virus software for the mind, ridding you of all erroneous programming from the past that is getting in the way of your happiness, success and feelings of confidence.

Once some cup-emptying has been accomplished, then the practitioner can use the system to make just about any kind of improvement that he or she wants to make in life. For example the practitioner can become more confident, improve self-esteem, improve mood, become more motivated or overcome bad habits, addictions and compulsions.

You can learn the 7th Path™ by working directly with a hypnotherapist in individual one-on-one sessions or in classes with other students. The process is simple and would generally follow this structure:

  1. First receive an introduction to hypnosis, where you learn about hypnosis and the subconscious mind.
  2. There will be a demonstration of hypnosis where you get to see how it works and ask questions.
  3. Then you will learn all about how the system works and how you can "empty the cup."
  4. Then you will get to learn how to induce hypnosis in yourself and give yourself the 7th Path™ suggestions.
  5. There will be lots of time to ask questions and practice your new skill.

The 7th Path™ is useful for:

  • Ridding yourself of old habits and addictions.
  • Improving your mood.
  • Improving your relationships.
  • Helping you to become more patient and confident.
  • Improving study effectiveness and test taking.
  • Becoming a better parent.
  • Heal from stressed induced illnesses.
  • Answering your calling in life.
  • Bringing your highest philosophies and beliefs into your everyday life!

The 7th Path™ system was developed by Calvin D. Banyan, MA, a Board Certified Hypnotherapist and Certified Instructor of Hypnotherapy. It was through conducting thousands of hours of hypnotherapy that Calvin Banyan developed this very special form of self-hypnosis. He noticed that there were similar insights that his clients consistently made when they made the changes that they wanted to make. These insights are contained in the 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® System.

The 7th Path™ System was also influenced by, A Course In Miracles by his study of Psychology and Hypnotherapy, as well as spiritual practices such as Ascension.

article source: http://www.7thpathselfhypnosis.com/about-7th-path-self-hypnosis.php

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