Welcome to hypnosis57

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Your Mind must Protect You

All levels of your mind work to protect you as best they can at all times. And this especially applies to the subconscious.

It must protect you at all costs, and to do so, it may even lie to you, or more to the point, it may lie to your conscious mind. It may lie about you, about others, it may even lie to your hypnotist while you are in trance. It may hide memories from you, and much, much more. This is because once it accepts negative behaviours in the name of your safety, it hangs on to those behaviours. Some examples are:

  • smoking of any substance
  • being obese
  • declining success
  • biting your fingernails
  • spending compulsively
You may well ask, how can compulsive spending possibly protect me? It distracts you. Misdirection is one highly effective way your subconscious protects you by keeping a lid on overwhelming emotions. Ergo the addict.

You may also be asking, how can declining to be successful possibly protect me? It limits you. Limiting exposure to risk is another way to protect you.

It is when protective efforts such as these do not meet your current needs that you desire change. Hypnosis sets aside the conscious mind, makes changes via the subconscious mind, and change is achieved.

by Michelle Beaudry, CHt, a full-time clinical hypnotist in the Orlando, Florida area.\

Article source: http://www.naturalbloom.com

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