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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Breathing Exercises

Correct breathing can make a huge difference to how we feel. It is very difficult to feel upset or angry when you are breathing slowly, deeply and quietly. It is also a great way to help you sleep.
If you will, try taking a deep breath right now.

Do you feel more alert and energized now? Lack of oxygen in the blood makes us feel tired, and can cause headaches.

A few deep breaths can lower anxiety, ease mild indigestion, and help us wake up and go to sleep.
Meditation, which is similar to hypnosis, is also very effective at reducing stress. Try this simple breathing exercise daily, or at least when you are feeling stressed and need some time out.

Get yourself comfortable, you may wish to lie or sit. Make sure you not get disturbed for about half an hour. Subdue the lighting. Close your eyes if it helps you concentrate, or better still keep them half open.

Breath as naturally as you can, and count each out breath up to ten. Repeat this for about 20 minutes. Notice how your breath is warmer when exhaled.Listen to the sound of the breathing through your body. Enjoy!

Optional Extra
When you are in a relaxed and comfortable state, tell yourself a keyword such as “relax”. Tell yourself that whenever you say your keyword, no matter where you are or what you are doing, you will return to this current state of relaxation.

Try this in various different situations in your day to day life, you will be amazed at the results!
The Alternative Nostril Breath

Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Breathe in through the left nostril (you may need to use a finger to keep your right nostril closed), and how for a relaxed ten count. Now exhale gently out of the right nostril. Now repeat this breathing in through your right nostril with your and exhaling out of the left. The whole process should be repeated about 5 times
This is great for energizing and relaxing, and for clearing sinuses.

If you'd like to learn more about meditation and receive a free course then Free Hypnosis Treatment recommends you visit the Free Meditation Course. The guys and gals over there are the top experts in meditation and will teach you everything you need to know to go deep into a meditative state.

By Jon Rhodes

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