Welcome to hypnosis57

Welcome to hypnosis57,
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Client's Testimonials about 7th PATH Self- Hypnosis Workshop with me.

About the PATH.

'Before I take part in the 7th PATH Self- Hypnosis workshop, I was constantly in a self blaming, self defeating and with feeling of inadequacy in me.

After 2 sessions with Fazdli, the negativity thoughts in me has disappeared, I'm no longer feels the sense of worthlessness in me, I am much happier, calmer when facing the world, together with the help of my religion, I even felt closer to my own 'delta' and feels much much more peaceful within me, because I know the more I practice the PATH the more it benefits me, I will definitely recommend this program to anyone'.

About the Therapist.

'The Hypnotherapist, Fazdli was very reassuring, positive, encouraging and professional in his job. He gave me a clear step by step instructions whereby it is easy to follow'.

Mr Wilson Ho
Clinical Instructor & Lecturer

About the PATH

'The 7th PATH self hypnosis program gives me a way to release negativities that are stuck in me, like having the permission to let go and just be me.

Every sessions done with Fazdli I feel that Im always renewing my life, as if I had 'flush' out all the unhappiness and allowing positivity inside me.

Each time, during my everyday activities, whenever I feel negativity seeping into me; I just simply use the 7th PATH self- hypnosis technique, it really help to re align myself.

Also the PATH techniques gives me a greater control of my mind and self'.

About the Therapist

'Fazdli have been a great therapist/teacher, I enjoy the friendliness and easy- going atmosphere, he sets the right mood and being crucial with the process as it benefits me in many ways'.

Mr Gary
Tattoo Artist.

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