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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Phobia Cure

Author : Geraldine paynter

A phobia is not an illness, but the thought of coming into contact, or the actual contact with your feared object, place or situation can lead to panic, shaking, dry mouth, intense sweating, difficulty breathing, feeling sick dizziness, and chest pain dizziness or feeling faint, palpitations, increased heart rate, sweating, trembling or shaking, feeling of choking or nausea, numbness or tingling sensations, chills or hot flushes, feelings of unreality and detachment, fear of losing control, a sense of great danger and an urge to escape

People who suffer from traumatic memories, nightmares, post traumatic stress (PTSD) and even the severest phobias now have the opportunity to benefit from this extremely fast cognitive behaviour therapy, the fast phobia cure

I first discovered the fast phobia cure while watching Paul McKenna and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing He was treating a woman who had been bitten by a dog as a child, she felt so traumatised by the event that now in her adult life she couldn’t take her own child to the park in fear that she would meet a dog, her phobia was so intense I watched Paul McKenna demonstrate the fast phobia cure and after just one session this woman was actually stroking a dog and taking it for a walk in a park, wow

I looked into the Fast Phobia Cure and discovered a hypnotist who is now someone that I have high regard for, Keith Livingston This is the guy I have to thank for making it possible for me to of helped so many people

The Fast Phobia Cure is an extremely fast form of cognitive behaviour therapy, which communicates with the subconscious mind The technique is unique because, it treats the cause, not the symptoms, many traditional treatments focus on the symptoms The fast phobia cure allows the person with the phobia to experience the trauma or phobia without experiencing the emotional content of the event

You see at some point the unconscious mind got an idea that the feared object or situation was “life-threatening”, and ever since then it has attached all kinds of feelings of anxiety and panic to that thing or situation to make your client avoid going anywhere near it in future, and by its own kind of logic, keeping them “safe”

To cure the phobia, this part of the mind simply needs the chance to re-evaluate that thing or situation as non-threatening, so it can attach a different emotion, and then go on to store that memory with different emotions attached to it

Phobias are maintained by the subconscious and that the subconscious also has control over bodily functions such as releasing chemicals one being adrenalin Would it matter what the phobia is? Is the subconscious going to react in a different way to a snake phobia than it would a spider phobia? No it isn’t

It is not important what the phobia is or how long they have had the phobia, it doesn’t matter if its snakes, spiders, wasps the treatment doesn’t vary, so if you have a client that has experienced a traumatic event and doesn’t want to offer that memory up to you the therapist then that’s fine People seem to think well I have had this phobia forty years it isn’t going to go in one session A phobia is learnt in a split second so it can be unlearnt in a split second

What can you expect after the Fast Phobia Cure: you can expect to notice that the memories and experiences around the phobia are now more at ease to think about, like factual memories or just something that happened And that when thinking about that old phobic trigger the anxiety has gone, there is a neutral feeling, it is "normal"

If you or someone you care about suffers from a phobia, there really is something you can do about it Often all it takes one NLP, hypnotherapy session in order to completely and permanently remove a phobia

Geraldine has had substantial experience of helping people to rid themselves of phobias, to contact Geraldine please go to http://www.hypnoticgroup.co.uk or email enquiries@hypnoticgroup.co.uk

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