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Saturday, May 28, 2011

5 Tips To Build Self Confidence

We all suffer from a lack of self-worth to a greater or lesser degree. There are very few people who are totally confident. Most people need to build their self confidence and self-esteem yet the majority just either ignore their confidence issues or choose to ignore them. Instead they focus on the negative areas of their life that contain to drain their self confidence rather than improving it!

Improving your self-image and gaining more self confidence can have a tremendously positive impact on every area of your life. As well as making you feel better it positively affects your appearance, your relationships, career and emotional state!

Would you like more confidence in yourself so that you can achieve more of the things in life that would make you happy? Then follow the steps below and start to build your confidence today!

Step 1.Watch how you speak to yourself internally. We all have conversations with ourselves. Although people who openly talk to themselves are often regarded as strange or even insane we all do it. The only difference between the crazy person on the train doing it and the rest of us is that they are openly verbalising their conversation while you, I and almost everyone else do it inside our heads only!

When you become the witness of your own internal dialogue you will be surprised at just how negative it is. Not only that but most of that negatively is directed towards you! You berate yourself constantly. This must change.

Step 2.Start to give yourself approval. I know this may sound strange but the truth is you disapprove of yourself every day. If you have performed the above step you will be aware of just how much you berate yourself throughout the day.

Make the conscious decision now that you will give yourself approval. Do it just for the sake of it! Do it now!

Step 3.Correct your posture. Sloppy posture promotes low confidence; walking with your head down, shoulders dropped and eyes facing the ground reinforces the feelings of inadequacy.

However, walking tall with your head held high promotes confidence. Your body, mind and emotions are inextricably linked. What effects one affects all. Your body is a dynamic system which is interlinked with your feelings and your thoughts. When you change any part of a dynamic system, it has an effect on all the other parts of the system and the whole system changes.

Therefore, by walking tall with your shoulders back and head held high you will have a major effect on your emotions and how you think. Try it!

Step 4.Treat yourself to new clothes or a new look. When you look your best you tend to feel better about yourself. When you feel better about yourself your confidence improves!

Step 5.Practice being confident; visualize it! Create the mental image of being the confident, vibrant person you were born to be. See, feel and hear yourself being confident in situations that would normally frighten you.

As I stated before your body is a dynamic system that is linked to your emotions and thoughts. By creating positive thoughts and immersing yourself in positive images you will affect your body and your feelings! You will become naturally more confident.

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