Welcome to hypnosis57

Welcome to hypnosis57,
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Friday, May 27, 2011


Attention Deficit Disorder/ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: The clinical work that demonstrates the effectiveness of hypnotherapy with these two learning disorders was published several years ago and the results have been reported to the National Institute of Health. The work in this area deals with lots of direct and indirect suggestions for focusing and relaxation. Each patient is taught several methods to induce immediate self-hypnosis when he or she is beginning to respond to ADD/ADHD behavior. They use self-hypnosis to relax and to become reorganized.

Test Anxiety: This a fairly common student problem. The therapy principles that are used to reduce common anxiety are used here. The suggestion that anytime an anxiety producing thought enters the conscious mind the patient will immediately throw up a mental stop sign that says, "sorry, you are no longer welcome here!" Control the thinking processes and you control the body's reactions. A common belief in the field of hypnotherapy is that "your body believes every word that you tell it." I had thee adult law students come to me for the reduction of test anxiety; they had not passed the bar. We did one session with suggestions to let the anxiety go, coupled with suggestions for memory improvement. All three passed the bar on their next try. Whenever I am working in this area, I teach the patients how to actually study in hypnosis by using open eyed self-hypnosis.

Dyslexia: This is a condition in which a reader has difficulty recognizing words and numbers in their proper positioning. Suggestions are given that their vision will improve and that once they have learned a word that it will make a lasting impression on them and that the future recall of the word will become much easier as time passes. Further suggestions are given that the unconscious mind will assist him to develop coordination among his eyes, brain and memory, and that there will be a reduction in anxiety about reading and writing processes.

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