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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hypnosis Effect is Very Real by John Rhodes

Considering the growing popularity of hypnosis in treating various health conditions, a new study finds the "very real" effect of the procedure on the brain.

Hypnosis has long been used to help individuals stop smoking, lose weight and overcome irritable bowel syndrome. Its influence on the brain, however, was never confirmed.

According to a study published in Consciousness and Cognition, following hypnosis, a decreased activity is seen in the parts of the brain linked with daydreaming or letting the mind wander.
Such patterns, however, are absent in the brain images of those who were not susceptible to being hypnotized.

"Our study shows hypnosis is real," stressed lead researcher William McGeown, adding that the changes were due to hypnosis and not just simple relaxation.

The psychologist concluded that hypnosis improves concentration through "priming" the subject to respond more effectively to suggestions, shutting off the distracting activities.

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