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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mind Over Matter, the strength of your mind!

Your limitations are only what you make them... that’s what i’ve always believed and that’s what i’ve always taught. Whether it’s just telling yourself you can make it through a strenuous day of work without taking that 5 minute nap in the break room, or going past your normal threshold of pain when your working out, mind over matter will help you along the way.

Let’s take working out for example, here are some common problems:

- You can’t finish your full workout because you burn out towards the end

- You can’t get that last repetition or set in because your too weak

- You can’t do cardio because your too tired from the work day

All of these problems can be solved by taking one word out of each sentence.


The word is as powerful as it is deceiving. If you can eliminate that word from your vocabulary and from your frame of thought, anything can be possible.

Studies have shown that pain can be nullified by using the simple principle of mind over matter. They say strong-willed, powerful thinking is as powerful as a shot of morphine, how can that be true?

Scientists from Wake Forest University proved this point by testing ten normal, healthy individuals who had a heat simulator applied to their legs to produce pain, while at the same time had their brains being scanned to map brain activity.

Prior to the brain imaging and heat simulator the volunteers learned to expect mild, moderate or severe pain from the heat following different signals. It appeared that when the pain expectancy is low, the reported pain from the individual is low.

So let’s take this information we just learned and use it for the base point. If you feel burnt out after working out, are you really burnt out or is your mind just telling your body it is? Is that last repetition or set really too hard to finish, or do you just tell your muscles its too much to handle? Is that 20 minutes of cardio really going to kill you after weight lifting, or are you just trying to get home to catch your favorite TV show in time?

Think about it, if you have your mind set on something... are you usually going to do it? Think about the last time you truly gave your full attention to something productive and followed through, remember how that felt?


Now think about the last time you had your mind set on something, then ended up thinking you couldn’t do it and didn’t do it, remember how that felt?


What of the two emotions would you rather feel? And what emotion is going to help you strive to do better?

Hopefully if those 3 common problems haunt you when you workout, you’ll be able to turn the whole situation around.

-You can finish your workout because you have unlimited energy

-You can get the last rep or set in because your strong

-You can do your cardio because your able to go that extra mile

Never underestimate the strength of powerful thinking.

Taken by: infohealthfitness.com/motivation-to-exercise

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