Welcome to hypnosis57

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Is it true that hypnosis is not a real catalyst for physical or chemical changes in the body.

Actually even just for the simple fact that the brain is made up of electro-chemicals called neurons which shoot off between 50-200 times per second makes anything a potential catalyst for a chemical change in the body. All we need to do is think about something and our brain chemistry is altered.

But more practically people want to know if hypnosis can actually result in bodily changes like an increase/decrease in weight, the building of muscle, or even an increase in breast/penis size. Typically, the answer is “yes, to some extent” to all of these question.

Hypnosis can not make your body so something it isn’t already capable of doing naturally on its own. But hypnosis has been proven to help guide the body through certain changes through the use of suggestion for both behavioral changes (such as eating less, motivation to go to the gym) and even direct changes in the body (changes in metabolism, time it takes muscles to repair, and there have even been cases of improvements in vision, and yes, penis and breast size growth – hypnosis has been show to be particularly good with directing substantial changes in soft tissue).

Remember: hypnosis is helpful at making changes towards the body’s maximum potential – it does not allow you to transcend your biological disposition through some “mystical fashion.” Although there is a good chance hypnosis will reveal things about your body that you were previously unaware of.

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