Welcome to hypnosis57

Welcome to hypnosis57,
I highly appreciate that you have taken a little time of your own to view my blog. Do note that the articles & informations; are for the benefits of all, some of them I repost from other sites as they contains very useful informations. Do note all repost article is meant for knowledge sharing only, I do not own them. If you have any questions or doubts that you wanna clarify, please don't hesitate to drop me an email or simply comment on the particular post, I would be more than happy to help.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Stop self sabotage and get out of your own way!

Sometimes you just don't see them and sometimes you do but something stops you from grabbing them with both hands and forging them into success and triumph.

Maybe you feel like you sometimes rain on your own parade, or that you've often been so nearly 'there' - and then 'screwed up' at the last moment. So many 'would have beens'could have been if it weren't for wasteful subconscious self-destructiveness.

Stop Self Sabotage will get you on your own side. Whether it's early conditioning from other people, or just a little voice in your head that's tried to tell you you didn't deserve success or just weren't good enough, Stop Self-Sabotage will stop you getting in your own way.

Some people have an unconscious fear of achievement based on the sense that 'the higher you climb the further you fall'. Stop self-sabotage will encourage you to feel safe and relaxed about your future achievements and success.

All you need to do is pop on your headphones at your computer or plug into your CD or mp3 player and relax as limiting beliefs and perceptions begin to shift and powerful beneficial change gets under way.

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