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Friday, June 17, 2011

Bodybuilding and Hypnosis

Bodybuilding and hypnosis may sound like strange bedfellows but there is an increasing amount of evidence which suggests that hypnosis can actually help someone to build muscle. What is bodybuilding hypnosis and how exactly does it work?

There has been recorded use of hypnosis as far back as the time of Ancient Egypt, where it was used as an anesthetic, and it is still being used for this purpose today. Hypnosis works by quietening the conscious mind and communicating to the subconscious - this is where long term memories as well as habits and instinctive reactions are believed to be held. Once this level of communication has begun, the hypnotist will then place hypnotic suggestions into the subconscious concerning the goals of their client. For example, if you were a bodybuilder wishing to gain more muscle, the hypnotist could "program" your subconscious to improve your eating habits, increase your motivation to workout and explain to the subconscious that you wish to become more muscular. Over the course of a few sessions these suggestions begin to sink in until they become habit.

Just imagine right now having your mind focusing on your goal of developing more muscle. Having trouble eating that second tin of tuna? Well with your mind on board in this fashion that would no longer be a problem, you would desire the tuna and all the protein that in brings. The protein of course would then fuel your efforts to build more muscle.

Hypnosis also uses a technique known as creative visualization. Scientific studies have shown that the mind has trouble differentiating between some aspects of fantasy and reality. You can test this for yourself right now. Imagine, in as much detail as possible, watching the lottery and having your numbers come up. From this simple fantasy you will actually start to experience excitement (perhaps your heart is racing), almost as if this has actually happened! Well creative visualization can also be used to build muscle by imagining working out step-by-step. A study that was done specifically on this kind of visualization showed that those who only used creative visualization experienced a 13.4% increase in strength. Now this was only on finger exercises and muscle mass wasn't taken into consideration but that is still an astonishing result. Wouldn't you like to build an extra 10 % to 15% muscle mass to your body?

While the science behind this is rather new, one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time used visualization to tell his body he wanted it to grow more muscle. The man was Arnold Schwarzenegger who won the title of Mr. Olympia an amazing seven times. Schwarzenegger would visualize all his muscle growing and growing until the literally filled the room.

While you may not quite enjoy the same success as Arnold Schwarzenegger it is always a good idea to employ the techniques of champions, and with hypnosis, you can do just that.

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