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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Is Insomnia A Real Disease Or Just A Habitual Mental Disease? By Jason Rickard

Many psychologists claim that insomnia is a mental disease developed by strong thinking patterns which trick the victims mind into believing that sleep is hard to achieve. Some others believe that insomnia is a real disease where a person cannot achieve a state of sleep due to many reasons, including and not limited to, too much caffeine consumption, anxiety and stress disorders, extreme excitement and or depression.

Psychologists who support the idea that insomnia is just a mental disease is due to the fact that over ninety percent of insomniacs can be put to deep sleep using hypnosis techniques by slowing down the brain activity. In some recorded cases of insomnia, it was noted that due to high brain activity a person was not able to sleep even when drugs used to induce sleep were used. Only when the brain activity was slowed down using hypnosis, were the insomniacs able to sleep. Another important fact used to argue that insomnia is merely a mental disorder is due to popular beliefs that caffeine and other such stimulating chemicals, increase brain activity.

It is believed that people become insomniacs through a simple process which becomes habitual leading to insomnia. To further explain this, when someone has increased brain activity, they cannot sleep. They soon begin fearing that they will not be able to go to sleep in time to get up

for work in the morning. This fear turns a reality and in the morning they drink coffee and tea which contains high concentrations of caffeine to remain active during the day. The high concentrations of caffeine prevent the person from falling asleep. Night comes and this turns into a habitual process that goes on and on every night.

Some others claim that insomnia is a direct result of patients suffering from anxiety, depression and stress. These create restlessness during the night time, and victims are unable to sleep. So in order to treat insomnia, the patient must first be treated with his other illnesses that lead to insomnia.

What ever it may be insomnia can be cured, and it is not an illness that can have serious health defects, unless a person begins resorting to drugs to induce sleep, which takes insomnia to a whole new level. Nevertheless, you should check with an expert if you fear that you have developed this bad habit.

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