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Monday, June 20, 2011

Multiple Sclerosis and Hypnotherapy

Multiple Sclerosis (abbreviated to MS) is a disease for which a cure is not known and whose cause is still a mystery. MS, also called "encephalomyelitis disseminata" or "disseminated sclerosis" is an affliction that involves damage to what is called "white matter". White matter in the body are myelin sheaths in brain and spinal cord. MS is also included under the list of auto-immune disorders.

Which People Contract Multiple Sclerosis?

Research has shown that women are more likely to get Multiple Sclerosis and it seems to begin when the person is still considered to be a young adult. The first indicators are a sense of fatigue and lack of energy whose and this tiredness doesn't improve much even with rest. MS was first acknowledged as far back as 1868.

Typical Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Damage (scaring) is caused to the myelin sheaths and affects the associated nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain. This results in a loss of ability those nerves to communicate and a number of symptoms can be noticed because of this. These symptoms typically can be within a number of body and mind functions such as: visual (eye pain, blurred vision), motor (muscle control, paralysis), cognitive (forgetfulness, speech problems) coordination (over or under movements of limbs) and sensory (tingling, numbness). Other noticeable symptoms can affect sexual performance and the bowel and bladder functioning may alter to a bringing a feeling of urgency and increased frequency.

Help for Multiple Sclerosis

For the moment accepting that there is no cure for MS, treatments are aimed at containing and managing the symptoms. People with MS may have months when symptoms reduce considerably but then they suddenly increase again. An MS suffer may realise and then use what they perceive as their MS triggers and employ strategies to control their MS.

Pharmaceutical drugs are often administered for pain and other symptoms. Corticosteroids are used during bad bouts of MS however this doesn't appear to provide long-term positive effects. Some drugs appear to lessen the severity of MS attacks and can reduce the rate of the loss of ability.

Complementary and alternative treatments are sought out as a way of enhancing any drug regime and for the MS patient their use can increase a sense of life control.

Multiple Sclerosis and Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis as used in a hypnotherapy session can help induce a deep level of physical, mental and emotional relaxation. An MS patient, because of their illness, can have higher levels of worry, stress, anxiety and fear. Excess and prolonged stress may increase the severity of MS symptoms. Some MS sufferers believe that regular use a relaxation process such as self hypnosis affects Multiple Sclerosis symptoms positively and provides a time for the body to rest.

Self Hypnosis Helps MS

A professional hypnotherapist will often train a person on how to utilise hypnosis. The idea if this is to aid the person's ability to manage their stress levels and have the means to bring a sense of peace, tranquility and a better coping ability. Through feeling more relaxed and at ease, a person with MS will release their excess stress and feel better able to manage with life.

Fortunately, self hypnosis is easy to understand, learn and the relaxing effects can be noticed felt and enjoyed from the very first occasion it is used. Self hypnosis can be used in 5 minute bursts or the duration can be 20 minutes or longer according to choice. This good news about this is that self hypnosis can be included into virtually anybody's life style.

Steven Harold

Clinical Hypnotherapy in London

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